successful experiments in the field of pharmaceuticals can yield big profits for the company that carries them out 意味

  • 医薬分野の実験が成功すると, それを行なった会社は大きな利益を生むことがある.


        yield profits on:    ~で利益{りえき}を得る
        successful company:    成功{せいこう}を収めた企業{きぎょう}
        yield profits from:    ~で利益{りえき}を得る
        if you can't beat them,join them:     If you cán't béat them,jóin them. ((ことわざ))もし勝てなければ相手の側につけ.
        big proportion of the profits:    利益{りえき}のかなりの部分{ぶぶん}
        generate big profits:    大きな利益{りえき}を生む
        reap big profits:    莫大{ばくだい}な利益{りえき}を収める
        source of big profits:    ドル箱
        carry out experiments:    ~の実験{じっけん}[試験{しけん}]をする[行う]
        carry out experiments in:    ~の実験{じっけん}[試験{しけん}]をする[行う] We are going to do [carry out, conduct, make, perform, run] experiments in [on] rabbits to grow a cancer using the chemical. この化学物質を使ってウサギに癌を発生させる実験を行う
        carry out experiments on:    ~の実験{じっけん}[試験{しけん}]をする[行う] We are going to do [carry out, conduct, make, perform, run] experiments in [on] rabbits to grow a cancer using the chemical. この化学物質を使ってウサギに癌を発生させる実験を行う
        carry out experiments on animals:    動物実験{どうぶつ じっけん}をする[行う]
        become a successful company:    企業{きぎょう}として成功{せいこう}を収める
        contribute most to company's profits:    会社{かいしゃ}の収益{しゅうえき}に一番貢献{いちばん こうけん}する
        eat away at company profits:    会社{かいしゃ}の収益{しゅうえき}を食いつぶす


  1. "successful entrepreneur" 意味
  2. "successful examinee" 意味
  3. "successful exhibition" 意味
  4. "successful experience" 意味
  5. "successful experiment" 意味
  6. "successful feint" 意味
  7. "successful fight" 意味
  8. "successful firm" 意味
  9. "successful from a business standpoint" 意味
  10. "successful experience" 意味
  11. "successful experiment" 意味
  12. "successful feint" 意味
  13. "successful fight" 意味

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